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  • SaleCOD: 163.204

    Farm & Ranch in Lago General Carrera

    Puerto Guadal
    • 550has Land
  • UF 70.000

    CLP 2.692.701.200 | US$ 2.835.855

Maiten Norte, Puerto Guadal Lago General Carrera

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Property Description

550-hectare property with 5 kilometers of General Carrera Lakeshore, excellent access by car, less than 4 kilometers from Puerto Guadal, and less than 20 kilometers from Puerto Bertrand and Rio Baker.

Strategically located in the most valued area of ​​the lake, due to its green areas and better climate, it is considered by the vast majority as the tourist area with the greatest potential and greatest added value of the lake.

Within the property, you can practice trails for horseback riding and trekking, mountain biking, fly-fishing, sea kayaking, and navigation, with beautiful beaches and protected coves. It has spectacular views of the Campo de Hielo glaciers and 4 lakes: General Carrera, Bertrand, Negro, and Plomo.
The farm is in the "El Desague" sector, close to the attractive Marble Chapels, Valle Exploradores, Leones Glacier, Baker River, San Rafael Lagoon, fossils, rafting, hiking, and outdoor activities of all kinds, in the tourist epicenter of Aysén.
It has innumerable circuits and more than 6 National Parks in a nearby radius.

It has great tourism potential as it is surrounded by National Parks and tourist attractions, has an extensive lake shore, and is in the most developed area of ​​the sector.
Facilities for Lodge / Parcelation / Private enjoyment / Capital gains.
Room for 50 cattle year-round, as a good source of fixed income. Optional Management Plan / Abundant firewood.

The property has a new 80sqm house, 70sqm caretaker's house, private vehicular access road, horseback riding and trekking trails, viewpoints, and an old single ranch (patrimonial value).

Semi-steppe climate with lacustrine microclimate; Very sunny. Orientation: North/West
Rain: 900 mm/year
Average summer temperature: 22oC
Average winter temperature: 6oC

Area Description

Property in a Guadal bay, on the shores of Lake General Carrera, which is characterized by the pleasant temperature of its waters, its large sandy beach, and an excellent climate in the spring-summer season, virtues that have given it the name of “ the pearl of the lake.

Southwest of Lake General Carrera, 297 km. from Coyhaique and 115 km. from Chile Chico, Puerto Guadal stands out for the beauty of its surroundings. With panoramic views of the mountain ranges that surround the largest lake in Chile, called Chelenko by the Tehuelches, it is also an unmissable destination for fly fishermen, and the section that connects this town with Chile Chico has been cataloged as "the most beautiful scenic route in the world.”

The first settlers would have arrived in this area between 1922 and 1926, and in the 1930s its bay began to be used for shipping cattle and wool. But its geological history is extensive. A large number of marine fossils, 12 species of vertebrates whose age dates back between 16 and 18 million years, according to various paleontological studies, speak of a subtropical past in Guadal.

Nearby Attractions:
Go through Paso Las Llaves, a route that passes along the ledge of Lake General Carrera, with beautiful panoramic views of the northern ice field.
Practice fly fishing in the surroundings.
Enjoy the caverns, chapels, or marble cathedrals.
Visit the Valle Leones glacier, the hidden mine, the Laguna Amarga, or the beautiful long beach.